BatchGetSymbols 2.6.5
- again improved deprecation message
BatchGetSymbols 2.6.4 (2022-05-01)
- improved deprecation message using lifecycle
- added message for do_paralell = TRUE (YF added api calls limits) (see issue 27)
- improved tests
BatchGetSymbols 2.6.3
- Added deprecation message
BatchGetSymbols 2.6.2
- Added message for ibov composition
BatchGetSymbols 2.6.1 (2020-11-28)
- Fixed issue issue 21, which only happened in Windows.
- changed default cache dir for ticker grabbing function
BatchGetSymbols 2.6 (2020-11-22)
- The cache system is now session-persistent with
cache.dir = file.path(tempdir(), 'BGS_Cache')
. This solves the problem with mismatching price series from cached data between splits or dividends. A new warning is set whenever the user uses cache.dir different from temp.dir()
- removed dplyr grouping message
BatchGetSymbols 2.5.9 (2020-11-17)
- removed rownames from output (issue 18)
- Made sure that, on "weekly" mode, the first day of week is a monday (issue 19)
- Added input that will allow the user to aggregate de data by the last or first prices of intervals (issue 19)
BatchGetSymbols 2.5.8
BatchGetSymbols 2.5.7 (2020-04-21)
- Fixed bug in sp500 fct
- Fixed bug with repeated rows of data (git issue 16)
BatchGetSymbols 2.5.6 (2020-02-25)
- Improved startup message for 2020 book (link to online version)
BatchGetSymbols 2.5.5 (2020-02-13)
- Fixed bug in cleaning function
- Added startup message for 2020 book
BatchGetSymbols 2.5.4 (2019-10-12)
- Fixed small bug in vignette
BatchGetSymbols 2.5.3 (2019-08-05)
- Added option for keeping function quiet (be.quiet)
- Once again fixed function for grabbing stocks from the SP500 index
BatchGetSymbols 2.5.2 (2019-04-24)
- Fixed bug in stock index grabbing functions
BatchGetSymbols 2.5.1
- New function for FTSE100 Stocks (thanks samprohaska)
BatchGetSymbols 2.5 (2019-04-15)
- Implemented option for parallel computations with BatchGetSymbols
- Added caching system for index grabing functions (SP500 and IBOV)
BatchGetSymbols 2.4 (2019-03-23)
- Fixed bug in function that downloads SP500 data.
BatchGetSymbols 2.3 (2018-11-25)
- User can now choose to return a full balanced price dataset by filling NA values or volume == 0 for their closest prices.
- Fixed small bug in cache system when an empty dataframe is returned
- Fixed bug in function that downloads ibovespa's composition
BatchGetSymbols 2.2 (2018-10-11)
- Users can now set frequency of data (daily, weekly, monthly or yearly)
BatchGetSymbols 2.1 (2018-05-08)
Small update:
- added startup message with book link
BatchGetSymbols 2.0 (2018-01-22)
Major update:
- New fct GetIBovStocks for downloading current composition of Ibovespa
- New fct for changing to wide format
- Now the output includes returns and not only prices
- removed annoying startup message
- implemented clever caching system for financial data
- simplified input dates (no need for Date class any more)
BatchGetSymbols 1.2 (2017-06-26)
- Fixed issue with GetSP500(). The wikipedia page changed its code..
BatchGetSymbols 1.1 (2016-12-05)
- Fixed CRAN NOTE (stats not used in imports)
- Fixed typos and improved vignette
- Couple of fixes in documentation
- Added citation message on startup
BatchGetSymbols 1.0 (2016-11-06)