--- title: "How to use pafdR" author: "Marcelo Perlin" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{How to use pafdR} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- Package `pafdR` provides access to all material from book **Processing and Analyzing Financial Data with R**. You can find more details [here](https://sites.google.com/view/pafdr/home). With `pafdR` you can: 1) Download data and code with function `pafdR_download.code.and.data` 2) Build exercises with function `pafdR_build.exercise` ## Downloading code and data All the R code from the book is publicly available in [github](https://github.com/msperlin/pafdR-en-code_data/). Function `pafdR_download.code.and.data` will download a zip file from the repository and unzip it at specified folder. Have a look in its usage: ```{r, eval=FALSE} if (!require(pafdR)){ install.packages('pafdR') library(pafdR) } my.lan <- 'en' # language of code and data ('en' or 'pt-br') # dl may take some time (around 60 mb) pafdR_download.code.and.data(lan = my.lan) dir.out <- 'pafdR-en-code_data-master' # list R code list.files(dir.out, pattern = '*.R') list.files(paste0(dir.out,'/data')) ``` ## Building exercises All exercises from the book are based on package `exams`. This means that every reader will have a different version of the exercise, with different values and correct answer. I've written extensively about the positive aspects of using `exams`. You can find the full post [here](https://msperlin.github.io/2017-01-30-Exams-with-dynamic-content/) You can create your custom exercise file using function `pafdR_build.exercise`. Give it a try, just copy and paste the following chunk of code in your R prompt. ```{r, eval=FALSE} if (!require(pafdR)){ install.packages('pafdR') library(pafdR) } my.lan <- 'en' # language of exercises my.exercise.folder <- 'pafdR-exercises' # name of folder with exercises files (will download from github) my.pdf.folder <- 'PdfOut' # name of folder to place pdf file and answer sheet pafdR_build.exercise(lan = my.lan, exercise.folder = my.exercise.folder, pdf.folder = my.pdf.folder) list.files(my.pdf.folder) ```